#110-3751 Jacombs Road
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Point Of Sale
iPot in Business
Hardware Solutions
Software Solutions
Paper Rolls
EAS Systems

Restaurant Invoice Online


Point of Sales (POS)
( Restaurant , Retail ,etc.)
Sell, Repair, Upgrade

Security Surveillance
Computer Services
Networking Support
Data Recovery

Open: Mon. ~ Fri.
(9:30am - 5:30pm)
Closed: Sat., Sun. & Holiday

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1. System Design Consultation

Not everyday you open a new store or renovate your existing store, but POS@TOUCH does. Many customers have used POS@TOUCH's consulting services to plan and implement POS for a new store or renovation project. The bank of knowledge that POS@TOUCH brings to the table can save both time and money.

2. Hardware Acquisition

The hardware provided by POS@TOUCH has been selected for its reliability, speed and ease of use. The equipment is retail hardened and designed to withstand 7-24 uptime. Purchasing hardware from POS@TOUCH ensures that all components are compatible with each other as well as compatible with the software. Ergonomics are considered, as the location of each component is important from both an operational viewpoint and service aspect. Our site inspection will detail and recommend the best ergonomics for the equipment. A POS@TOUCH service plan manages all warranties ensuring that replacement or loaner equipment is immediately available as down time must be minimized in the retail environment.

3. Software Acquisition

The foundation of POS@TOUCH's POS software is the Microsoft Windows operating system. The front end utilizes Windows XP Professional. The server utilizes Windows Server or XP Professional in smaller configurations. The database is SQL.

Remote access is securely configured to support all lanes and back office PC's. Antivirus is selected and installed to give maximum protection.

Application software is the heart of your business. Blending your current business practices, rules, and philosophies with the new system requires planning. Interpreting how the new software reacts to specific practices can take time as becoming ˇ°expertˇ± with the software comes in time with experience. Our 1-800 support helps bridge the learning time.

Selection of the right POS application is critical. The more you detail your requirements and the more time you spend evaluating application software the closer you will be to the system you wish and visualize.

Sometimes custom modifications need to be done to meet specific requirements. POS@TOUCH can provide the specification, submission and testing services should you need custom software.

4. System Site Consultation

POS@TOUCH can provide a site inspection to evaluate ergonomics, current network configuration and electrical supply. In new installations POS@TOUCH can work and liaison with designers and trades people to ensure that POS installation specifications are followed and hardware checkstands are designed for maximum throughput, aesthetics and ergonomic efficiency.

5. Rollout Logistics

POS@TOUCH has experience scheduling and designing a rollout logistics plan for multi-store, multi-lane enterprise configurations. 2 stores or 100 stores all require a detailed rollout plan to ensure smooth implementation and installation.

6. Prep/Installation Services

POS@TOUCH provides complete system preparation, configuration and installation services.

Hardware Setup and Burn-in

All hardware is benched and configured in the configured network. Operating systems are configured to specifications. Diagnostics and hardware burn in are done to evaluate and spot any weak hardware component.

POS Application Configuration

The software is loaded and configured with the site-specific configuration flags. Touchscreens/Keyboards are programmed or keycapped.

Data File Creation/Conversions

Most existing systems can provide an export of existing data thus saving days of data entry. POS@TOUCH's experience and expertise with file conversions help ensure that a smooth transition from old to new is met. Transferring inventory count can be tricky and needs to be well planned and well implemented. New store shelf check and initial order entry is critical that it be correct and you start off accurate from the get-go. POS@TOUCH's experience and expertise can help.

Green Light System

All equipment is tested with the data files. The equipment is given a pre-live run through with the customer during training to ensure all configuration settings are configured to specification.

Installation Day or Night

POS@TOUCH offers flexible installation services. Professional installation is critical for POS. Plug and go installation leads to downtime and service disruptions. POS@TOUCH's installation technicians properly route and tie down cables, fasten and reinforce connectors. It not only looks good, it ensures reliability and fewer service calls.

7. Training Services

POS@TOUCH provides complete software training. Point of Sale systems require a level of expertise to run efficiently and effectively on a daily basis. Initial training and ongoing training for new staff is critical to keeping the system running smoothly.

POS@TOUCH provides classroom-training session(s) to introduce the software and discuss all the functions and features. These are in conjunction with the configuration and testing of the system.

For larger installations POS@TOUCH can provide Train-the-Trainerˇ± services were customers want to provide their own training in house.

Live Day Support

POS@TOUCH is present for live day support.

Post Configuration/Training Visits

POS Systems require a period of adjustment. As you learn more about the system you will require changes and adjustments to the system. On average 2 to 3 - day visits over the first 60 days are usually sufficient to tighten down the system to the store requirements.

8. System Support

On installation day POS@TOUCH's support services begin. To keep your investment and system up-to-date it is important to maintain both the software and hardware. POS@TOUCH's Support Services cover all aspects of your system.

Service Plan Coverage

POS@TOUCH offers a variety of service plans that can be tailored to your specific needs. Service plans are the most efficient and economical way to keep your system current and maintain the value of your investment.

A service plan can include:

Help Desk Support
Full Onsite hardware parts and labour repair
Depot hardware exchange
Preventative maintenance service
Applications software version/service pack upgrades
Applications software version/service pack upgrade installation labour
Anti Virus management
Backup management
Professional Services

Help Desk Support

All customers have access to POS@TOUCH's emergency support help desk which is available 7 days a week from 7am ¨C11pm. Simple questions or complex problems are handled by experienced POS technicians. They can diagnose, recommend or repair online most incidents.

Professional Services

POS@TOUCH provides the following professional services:

Training classroom
Label/Signage design
Custom software development
POS consulting
Inventory management support
Custom reporting
Multi-store enterprise management
Firewall configuration
Internet service/setup
Virus troubleshooting
Data recovery
System backup management
Network configuration/setup
On-site hardware service
Warranty replacement management
Internet remote support

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